
Estadística para futuros estadísticos


La web     statistics2013.org      se ha hecho eco de la reciente celebración del Día de puertas abiertas para escolares en el Instituto Aragonés de Estadística.

La transcripción literal de la noticia se muestra a continuación:


Youngsters learn about statistics at the Aragonese Statistics Institute’s Open Doors Day.

 Last Thursday (April 4, 2013), theAragonese Statistics Institute conducted an Open Doors Day for children.

 The event’s objective was for the kids to have a good time while learning about the place where their parents work and the job of a statistician.

The children visited all the institute’s facilities and enjoyed different and fun activities, including drawing, watching videos, and playing statistical games organized by Dr. Javier López of the Statistical Methods Department at the University of Zaragoza.

Finally, the kids and the institute staff had a nice lunch together. The event was a success and the little “statisticians-to-be” returned home eagerly anticipating next year’s Open Doors Day.